Student Educational Tours | Philippines
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We believe in nourishing the power of education beyond walls. For local clients, we offer programs for K-12, college field trips, faculty field trips, and study tours abroad. We have various programs for different interests: history and culture, humanities, and nature and the environment. We also offer educational tours to different destinations in the Philippines for foreign students. Our 15 years of handling local and foreign student group tours made us one of the most trusted educational tour company in the Philippines.  

educational FIELD TRIPS

School Bus

For students, field trips can be the best of both worlds: a welcome and exciting break from day-to-day classroom activities and a memorable, real-world experience that will solidify the curriculum in their minds. Unfortunately, the most desirable trips—those to far-away, enticing destinations— have long been inaccessible due to the ongoing pandemic. Limiting the movement of people outdoors not to mention the AITF policy on social distancing thus, not allowing children ages 18 and below outside their homes for health safety. 


But today we have other options. Virtual field trips (VFTs) are just what their name suggests: field trips that are conducted virtually, over the Internet, and/or videoconferencing equipment so that students can learn directly from experts in far-flung places without ever leaving their homes.

To know more about our LIVE Virtual Field Trip program for K-12 and college students feel free to explore our website or see below options.

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